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Back in 1927 Milan, Italy, when Roberto Rancilio

by:Lxshow     2020-08-14

Cup after cup of perfection, Rancilio is fast achieving its goal of 'coffeeing the world'. Now you too can brew to perfection with Rancilio's newly renovated Silvia v3.

Go For The Gold -- Buy Rancilio

If there's a gold standard in the espresso machine genre, Rancilio is the company that's been setting it for rather some time. Now they've raised the bar by equipping the Silvia v3 with an easy-to-use stainless steel steam wand, expanding the range of motion, a flawlessly designed commercial filter for ideal water distribution and temperature ranging, and a delightfully shaped steam knob (hot water dispenser): elements that optimize form and function of this already successful machine.

Factor in this industrial leader's long list of tested-and-approved easy-to-use features and delicious, flavorful, confident blends 'll be yours for the brewing:an ample twelve ounce marine quality brass boiler for superior steaming and recycling, plastic tamper, 2 filter baskets, a double and single, a cup warmer, all the right lights and safety switches, cup warmer, a removable reservoir that may hold up to 2 quarts of water, a solid 'gold' warranty, espresso scoop, specialized valve which neutralizes water levels and gets rid of the drips. Additionally, the Rancilio Silvia v3 is pod adaptable, an necessary time-saving feature considering life's many demands.

These expertly engineered elements translate into superior performance with each cup your brew. Its 'good as gold' construction features a frame cast in heavy iron and a stylish, high quality, brushed stainless steel exterior casing, drip pan, and tray.Plus, it cleans up like a dream, allowing you that extra quality time to spend relaxing with friends and family, or catching up on some quiet alone time that's too frequently too elusive in modern culture.

State-Of-The-Art Expressions

This eye-catching combination of old world elegance and modern sophistication is sure to keep your conversations brewing with warmth, interest, and vitality. Although its sleek good looks blend with any kitchen decor, it's sure to become a standout by virtue of its unparalleled originality, a fusion of timeless tradition and trendsetting technology that will carve an aromatic and unique niche within your heart and home. Rancilio's Silvia v3 is a state-of-the-art, blend-and-brew wunderkind as unique and tasteful as are you. So start brewing with this remarkable machine available online and wherever fine kitchen appliances are sold.

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