
Global Premium Brand of Laser Equipment , Focus on High Precision Metal Cutting.

Procure your test instruments from reliable suppliers

If you're in industries like lubricant, semiconductor, automobile, bio medical, bio technology or nano technology, you'll invariably require reliable test instrumentation. You may require equipment like Multi-Functional Tribometer, Atomic Force Microscope, Raman Spectrometer, Indentation and Scratch Tester, High Temperature Indentation, Polishers, 3D Profilometer and Stress Tester.

A multifunctional tribometer can run several standard tribological and mechanical tests on same platform. Tribometers are of several types like Universal, Heavy Duty and Micro. A sturdy instrument will be equipped with various in-situ characterization techniques, easy-to-use software and high end electronics.

High temperature indenter can calculate hardness at various temperatures under vacuum or inert gas atmosphere. It can measure high temperature hardness of metal, alloys, powder metallurgy, ceramics, glass, thin films, etc. The indenter is a potent tool which is suitable for both research and manufacturing environment. A sturdy product has fully automated stages, low noise pumps, low power consumption, fine finish on parts and components, built in camera, active lighting etc.

Atomic force microscope offers metrological and high resolution measurements for the advanced materials research at the nano scale in all AFM and STM modes. You need to procure equipment that is equipped with cutting edge technology and ultra-fast processing. A basic package would include various modes like Kelvin Probe Microscopy, Piezoresponse Force Microscopy, Nanolithography and Nanomanipulation.

A high end Raman Microscope can meet all your research needs. It has thermoelectrically cooled detectors for low light detection, simple design, high end gratings, electronics and easy-to-use software. You must also look for low machine noise, advanced controllers, self-calibration system and option to choose selective working wavelength that allow the instrument to achieve high repeatability and reliability.

3D Profilometer comes in various types like Optical Profiler, White Light Interferometer and Universal Profilometer. A multi-functional 3D Universal Profilometer includes Interferometer, Raman, Laser, AFM, Film thickness, etc. It measures chemical, surface roughness and magnetic stress properties on same spot without taking the sample out of the tool.

3D White Light Interferometer produces best resolution images with least florescence. Multi-color LED allows to generate real color images of sample. Advanced camera, fast data acquisition and high speed controllers allow the tester to create images up to 5 million pixels. 3D Optical Profiler is an economical solution for generating high resolution 3d images.

Indentation and scratch tester can be used for linear, rotary, zig zag scratch as well as indentation and limited tribology. Scratch test allows to calculate scratch resistance, adhesion and hardness of coatings. Indentation test is used to calculate hardness, indentation, modulus, nano-indentation work etc. vs. depth of coatings. It should be applicable in various environmental chambers including humidity, inert gas, liquid, dry, etc.

Reputable suppliers of test instrumentation would offer paid consultation to test tribological, mechanical, surface morphology and other properties of your samples as per various standards (ASTM/DIN/ISO) or non-standard test procedures. They would also offer legal protection by providing both expert test and expert witness services. If you've any specific requirements, they'll be willing to work in close collaboration with you to develop test instruments.

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