It also uses the plasma gas and perform multi task of cutting and welding. Totally in market there are nine plasma cutters and five of them are listed as super cut fifty super cut sixty, super cut forty, super cut fifty, power plasma 50 power plasma sixty and power plasma 70 and also power plasma 100, power plasma 80, plasma machines is also available for processing.
These machines are classified under the category of inverter types of welding machine. These machine falls on the category of different types of tables like the first three falls under MOSFET and remaining comes under the category of IGBT. These machines can be used typically by all industrial process by the welders , and it is also designed keeping in mind of having torch track operation and adjustable post flow cooling yet it is portable.
These machines are very user friendly and makes the user very comfortable .the next new invented machine on the row is TIG welders and it is the most widely used machine and it is in demand and well appreciated for its portability and economy. The repair of the machine on the field is a very easy process and can weld any type of stainless material or steel. It could be any setting the machine will not have any problem in its usage and also serves us with the unique combination of both amperage and features affordably.