LED Effects Light
triple : 14 steps (with pictures)
After a few weeks of rest, we started a new project.
In this video, we will try to make a simple cnc machine with you.
\"A simple self-made three-stage Machine \".
With this cnc machine you can do 3 different jobs. -
Carved with Dremel ,-Laser cutting -
Draw new drawings of our design as plugs with penWith
It will be very simple to use cnc.
All you have to do is remove the parts we share in the video description from the 3d printer and provide the necessary materials.
Our design is simple.
No unnecessary material.
No unnecessary wires.
Our design is simple.
No unnecessary material.
No unnecessary wires.
In our video, we try to show how to operate the cnc machine with the best details.
We walked step by step.
Hello everyone, you are right if you decide to make a CNC machine.
But you need some equipment and materials to build.
So, you ask. What we need ?
We divided the required materials into three groups. 1 -
Mechanical Parts 2-
3D printing parts
Electronic parts can be seen. . .
As you can see in the picture, we need some mechanical material.
You can find the detailed list in = gijon tijs = M8-below12 CM * 1M8 -42 CM * 2M8 -44 CM * 3M10 -
44 cm * 1 = straight axis = M8-50 CM * 4M8 -40 CM * 2M8 -
10 cm * 2 = nut = M3, M4, M53 M8, m10 = stepping motor = Japanese 17*3 = lulmans = LM8UU linear bearing * 12608ZZ bearing * 3 step motor coupler encoder * 2 = screws and bolts = M6 we designed some 3d parts. M3 = WOODS = 60 cm * 40 cm WOOD 52 CM * 35 cm WOODwe.
They are drawn on solidworks.
Print with Prusa i3 3D printer.
We added the last step STL file for your printer.
You can find them there.
The last material is about electronics. -
Arduino Uno * 1-
Laser engraving cut TTL module blue laser module * 1-
V3 sculptor Shield 3D printer CNC for Arduino CNC Shield * 1
A4988 motor driver * 3-BDX53 * 1-
100 ohm resistor * 1-
If you want to watch a 3D animation, you can click on the video below.
The 3D animation Time circle will be started directly.
We will build a building first.
We need some picture material.
We insert 3d wood parts on the wood table.
Punch the shaft and tijs on the part.
You can see \"how?
Or watch the video tutorials we designed.
This title will keep 3 different heads for Dremel, Laser and pencil.
What do you need? in pics.
The design is simple. How to built ?
Check out the picture or video tutorial and now we are building the last floor.
We got the second piece of wood and screws.
As you can see in the photo.
We need some more equipment.
Arduino Uno, CNC Shield, A4988, switch circuit and fan. Now go to step. . .
We use simple circuits.
No wires, no complications.
The film will be driven using the A4988 motor driver.
A small circuit was added for z-axis switching.
You can watch our second part video about electronic parts.
We have finished our project.
Let\'s try the sample now. And RESULTS. . . .
In this step, you will find the necessary files for this triple CNC Machine Project.
You can find all the files for download in the link below.
Electronic circuit-
File for 3D printer--
Arduino file--
Arduino box stl file for 3d printer-
Make the world a better place------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In this video, we will try to make a simple cnc machine with you.
\"A simple self-made three-stage Machine \".
With this cnc machine you can do 3 different jobs. -
Carved with Dremel ,-Laser cutting -
Draw new drawings of our design as plugs with penWith
It will be very simple to use cnc.
All you have to do is remove the parts we share in the video description from the 3d printer and provide the necessary materials.
Our design is simple.
No unnecessary material.
No unnecessary wires.
Our design is simple.
No unnecessary material.
No unnecessary wires.
In our video, we try to show how to operate the cnc machine with the best details.
We walked step by step.
Hello everyone, you are right if you decide to make a CNC machine.
But you need some equipment and materials to build.
So, you ask. What we need ?
We divided the required materials into three groups. 1 -
Mechanical Parts 2-
3D printing parts
Electronic parts can be seen. . .
As you can see in the picture, we need some mechanical material.
You can find the detailed list in = gijon tijs = M8-below12 CM * 1M8 -42 CM * 2M8 -44 CM * 3M10 -
44 cm * 1 = straight axis = M8-50 CM * 4M8 -40 CM * 2M8 -
10 cm * 2 = nut = M3, M4, M53 M8, m10 = stepping motor = Japanese 17*3 = lulmans = LM8UU linear bearing * 12608ZZ bearing * 3 step motor coupler encoder * 2 = screws and bolts = M6 we designed some 3d parts. M3 = WOODS = 60 cm * 40 cm WOOD 52 CM * 35 cm WOODwe.
They are drawn on solidworks.
Print with Prusa i3 3D printer.
We added the last step STL file for your printer.
You can find them there.
The last material is about electronics. -
Arduino Uno * 1-
Laser engraving cut TTL module blue laser module * 1-
V3 sculptor Shield 3D printer CNC for Arduino CNC Shield * 1
A4988 motor driver * 3-BDX53 * 1-
100 ohm resistor * 1-
If you want to watch a 3D animation, you can click on the video below.
The 3D animation Time circle will be started directly.
We will build a building first.
We need some picture material.
We insert 3d wood parts on the wood table.
Punch the shaft and tijs on the part.
You can see \"how?
Or watch the video tutorials we designed.
This title will keep 3 different heads for Dremel, Laser and pencil.
What do you need? in pics.
The design is simple. How to built ?
Check out the picture or video tutorial and now we are building the last floor.
We got the second piece of wood and screws.
As you can see in the photo.
We need some more equipment.
Arduino Uno, CNC Shield, A4988, switch circuit and fan. Now go to step. . .
We use simple circuits.
No wires, no complications.
The film will be driven using the A4988 motor driver.
A small circuit was added for z-axis switching.
You can watch our second part video about electronic parts.
We have finished our project.
Let\'s try the sample now. And RESULTS. . . .
In this step, you will find the necessary files for this triple CNC Machine Project.
You can find all the files for download in the link below.
Electronic circuit-
File for 3D printer--
Arduino file--
Arduino box stl file for 3d printer-
Make the world a better place------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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