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New Orders for Machine Tools Continue Decline; October RateFalls Below Pace of September by 6.6%; But 10‐Month Figure Soars] Above Level of Last Year

by:Lxshow     2020-03-06
1964 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.
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Net new orders for heavy machinery machine tools used to manufacture production equipment fell in October, continuing the decline in the beginning of the slowdown in the traditional industry in July.
Last month, the total number of new orders for metal cutting and metal forming tools fell to-101.
It was 8 million lower than last month\'s $0. 109 billion, down 6. 6 per cent.
According to the machine tool manufacturers association, although machine tool orders in October were lower than in September, they were higher than in the same period in 1963.
In the first 10 months of this year, orders totaled $1,150,050,000, compared to $757.
The growth rate of 75 million last year was 51. 9 per cent.
Total domestic orders are $85.
In October, it was $15 million, compared to $88.
September 5 million.
Foreign orders totaled $17 million and $20. 45 million.
However, the total amount of advertising last month was slightly higher than in September --$89.
Compared to $88, it is 65 million. 2 million.
Last month, there were 78 advertising orders for metal cutting machines.
8 million, or less than 6%? 83.
00 million on September 6.
Domestic orders for S65.
$1 million last month was below $68 million.
13. Foreign orders of $65 are 12 percentage points lower than $15.
The figure for September was 6 million.
But October orders for metal cutting machines;
Tools fell over September, 18 percentage points lower than in October 1963.
Meanwhile, orders during this year\'s January-October period were 43 higher than those booked in the same period of 1963.
In October, net new orders for metal forming machine tools totaled 23 million, down 9 percentage points from $25 in September.
4 million, 532 lower than the same period in October 1963, total. 35 million.
However, the order for January-October is $326.
75 million of these machines were 81 higher than the 10-month period in 1963, when orders totaled $180. 35 million.
The total shipment of cutting tools last month was $68.
$3 million, down 6 percentage points from $72.
0 million in September 30.
However, they are 26 percentage points higher than $54.
A total of 5 million persons in October 1963.
The total amount of the year so far is $636.
3 million, higher than the total amount of $477.
In the corresponding period last year.
Shipments of metal forming tools totaled $21 last month.
35 million, higher than $15.
In September, 9 million people, three of them.
1 percentage point higher than the $16 shipment.
October 3, 1963 million.
So far, ad shipments this year are $183.
85 million or more than $155.
The corresponding month of 1963 was 15 million.
A version of the file was printed on page 55 of the New York edition on November 27, 1964, with the title: New orders for machine tools continue to decline;
In October, the pace was six times lower than in September. 6%;
But the number soared in 10 months.
Level above last year.
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