
Automatic fiber laser cutting machine laser engraving machine

by:Lxshow     2021-05-30

Although the laser of the automatic fiber laser cutting machine is light, it is obviously different from ordinary light in that the laser only relies on spontaneous emission for a very short period of time, and the subsequent process is completely determined by the excitation radiation, so the laser is very pure The color, almost no divergence directionality, extremely high luminous intensity. The laser also has high coherence, high intensity, and high directivity. After the laser is generated by the laser, it is transmitted by the reflecting mirror and irradiated on the processed item through the focusing mirror, so that the processed item (surface) is subjected to strong thermal energy and the temperature increases sharply. The point is quickly melted or vaporized due to high temperature, and the operation track of the laser head is matched to achieve the purpose of processing. The application of laser processing technology in the advertising industry is mainly divided into two working methods: laser cutting and laser engraving. For each working method, we have some differences in the operation process. Laser engraving: It is mainly carried out on the surface of the object, which is divided into two types: bitmap engraving and vector engraving: bitmap engraving: we first carry out the screen processing of the graphics we need to engrave in PHOTOSHOP and convert them into monochrome BMP format. Then open the graphic file in the dedicated laser engraving and cutting software.

For the automatic fiber laser cutting machine, we can set the appropriate parameters according to the material we are processing, and then click Run, the laser engraving machine will engrave according to the dot matrix effect produced by the graphic file. Calculate, and export the graphics to PLT, DXF, AI format, marking machine, and then use the special laser cutting and engraving software to open the graphics file, and send it to the laser engraving machine for processing. Vector engraving: Use vector software such as Coreldraw, AutoCad, Ilu us trator and other typesetting in the advertising industry, which is mainly suitable for the processing of wood, two-color boards, plexiglass, colored paper and other materials. Laser cutting: We can understand it as the separation of edges. For such processing purposes, we should first make the graphics in the form of vector lines in CORELDRAW, AUTOCAD, pneumatic marking machine, and then save the corresponding PLT, DXF format, open the file with the laser cutting machine operating software, according to our The processed material can be run after setting the parameters such as energy and speed. The laser cutting machine will automatically cut according to the flight path generated by the software after receiving instructions from the computer. For example, the existing laser cutting machine can draw a template according to the computer, and then directly input it into the computer to automatically cut the graphics. Existing laser cutting machines generally have their own hard disk, which can input massive data sources.

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