
Automatic fiber laser cutting machine chemical laser

by:Lxshow     2021-06-06

Fully automatic fiber laser cutting machine has been widely used in laser welding, laser cutting, laser drilling (including oblique holes, different holes, plaster punching, tipping paper punching, steel plate punching, packaging printing punching Etc.), laser quenching, laser heat treatment, laser marking, glass internal engraving, laser fine-tuning, laser lithography, laser film making, laser film processing, laser packaging, laser repair circuit, laser wiring technology, laser cleaning, etc. After more than 30 years The development of laser is everywhere, and it has been used in all aspects of life and scientific research: laser acupuncture, laser cutting, laser cutting, laser welding, laser quenching, laser disc, laser rangefinder, laser gyroscope, laser needle Straight instrument, laser scalpel, laser bomb., laser radar, laser gun, laser cannon...Laser weapon is a directed energy weapon that uses the laser beam emitted by a fixed dog to directly damage or invalidate the target. Genanger combat use Laser weapons can be divided into two categories: tactical laser weapons and strategic light-enhancing weapons. The weapon system is mainly composed of lasers and tracking, quasi, and launching devices. The lasers usually used include chemical lasers, circular lasers, and C02 lasers. Wait.

Fully automatic fiber laser cutting machine. Laser weapons have the advantages of fast attack speed, flexible steering, can achieve strikes, and are not subject to electromagnetic interference. However, they also have weaknesses such as susceptibility to weather and environmental influences. Laser weapons have With more than 30 years of development history, breakthroughs have been made in its key technologies. The United States, Russia, France, Israel and other countries have successfully conducted various laser boot tests. Sensors, as well as attackers and some enhanced observation equipment: High-energy laser weapons mainly use chemical lasers. According to the current level, they are expected to be deployed and used on ground and air platforms in the next 5 to 10 years. Used for tactical air defense and theater anti-missile Lasers such as anti-satellite operations are a kind of light. Like other luminous bodies in nature, they are produced by the transition of atoms (molecules or ions, etc.) and are caused by spontaneous radiation.

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